Newton mail for mac review
Newton mail for mac review

newton mail for mac review

I’m not a penny pincher, but I don’t like paying for a 100 different subscription services. But all this yummy email goodness comes at a price I can see the advantages of having your original email in the same place as the responses, but that’s not a priority feature that I care about. I tried this new feature for a few days and didn’t care for it so I turned it off because it made my inbox more cluttered than I liked. This keeps you from having to go into the sent folder to look for messages. They recently introduced a new feature that they call conversation view which they say gets rid of the sent folder because all the emails to the same person are grouped together including the message that you sent to start the email thread. I’ve been using Newton Mail for the past month and love it. Cool right?Īll of these features help me achieve email nirvana, which for me means inbox zero or for those who haven’t heard that term, it just means that my inbox is empty and all the messages are stored where they should be. There are 4 types of swipes for each message and each one can have its own action. Speaking of notifications, you can even customize how those are handled when you swipe them in the inbox. I’ve recently come one step closer to being able to leave my laptop home since discovering Newton Mail. So I end up taking my laptop with me whenever I travel which means that I easily get sucked into wanting to work when I am supposed to be relaxing. With the mobile Gmail client, I can’t create multiple inboxes by using a dozen different colored stars, I can’t use canned replies, and worst of all, I can’t easily search for messages with certain labels or file emails with existing labels or create new labels. But for some insane reason, Google doesn’t provide the mobile version of the Gmail client with the same power user features as the desktop version of the app.

newton mail for mac review

Yes, I know that there is a perfectly fine mobile Gmail app. The problem is that I can’t completely unplug from tech when I travel because my inbox would quickly become a disaster within a day due to the number of emails that I receive. On my laptop, I can use multiple inboxes, canned replies, all the stars, and 100’s of labels to organize and keep track of things that I need to get done using the web version of the Gmail app. I use Gmail as my email client of choice and I consider myself as a power user. If you’ve been reading The Gadgeteer for any length of time, you know how I like to drone on and on about how I can’t use a tablet or smartphone as my only “computer” when I travel because of one main reason. The Gadgeteer is supported by readers like you! If you buy something through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Newton mail for mac review